Listing form

How to fill in the Token Terminal listing form

Want your project listed on the Terminal? Below is a step-by-step guide for kickstarting the process:

To get started, head over to our listing form. You will need to be signed in to access the form, so make sure to sign in, or create a free account if you have not already.

General information

Project information

Project name: Official project name

Market sectors: Select the market sector that your project belongs to

Project status: Select the current state of your product: live, in beta, or on testnet

Chain: Select all the blockchains that you have deployed any smart contracts on

Contact information

In this section, please let us know how we can reach you. We will use this information to reach out to you with the next steps after you have filled out the form.

Business roleBusiness Development
Telegram handle@examplehandle
Twitter handle@examplehandle

Official links

Submit links to your project's official pages.

Governance forum

Operating model

Provide us with a description of how your project works. The more detail, the better. Answer at least the following questions:

  • How you operate
  • Key functionalities of your product/service
  • Most important stakeholders
  • Project launch date & who are the founders

Example response:

"Uniswap is a non-custodial exchange protocol built on Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, and BNB Chain. Liquidity providers deposit funds into Uniswap and receive trading fees from traders. UNI tokenholders own and govern the protocol. They do not currently take a cut of the total trading fees paid by traders. Uniswap's investors include Paradigm, a16z, USV, etc. Uniswap was founded by Hayden Adams and launched in 2018."

Benchmark analytics

Benchmark values help us verify the accuracy of our calculations. If you have an existing analytics page or know of a Dune dashboard with verified data, please add it here.

Remember to click “add” once you have pasted the link.

Fundraising info

If you have raised funding, please include information about your recent funding rounds. Add each round as its own line item.

Total amount raised$165M
Closing date13.10.2020
Lead investorPolychain Capital
Other investorsa16z crypto, Paradigm, SV Angel, and Variant

Remember to click “Add” once you have input the information for a fundraising round.

Fork information

If you have forked code from another protocol, toggle the selector.

In the fields that appear, let us know which protocol and what part of the codebase you have forked.

We ask for this as it may help speed up the listing process. It is possible that we have worked with similar contracts earlier, which will make the listing of your project a lot faster.

Token information

Add relevant token(s)

If you have launched a token, please add all its information here.

If you don’t have a token, toggle the “Project does not have a token” switch and click next to move forward in the form.

Fill in the token information:

Contract address0x1f9840a85d5af5bf1d1762f925bdaddc4201f984
Contract nameUni
Launch date16.09.2020

If the token has governance rights, toggle the “Has governance rights” switch.

If the token (usually the same token as the one with governance rights) has or had a vesting schedule, toggle the “Has vesting/unlocks” switch and click "Add new" to input the vesting schedule information.

  • Include information for all parties that vesting applies to, one stakeholder at a time (Investors, Core team, Airdrop, Liquidity incentives, etc.). Click “Add new” to add a new row.
  • If the token unlocks directly (e.g. due to an airdrop), add the same date for both the start and the end date.
  • If there is a vesting cliff or lock-up period, e.g., for one year, the start date should be the day the cliff ends.
  • Unlock granularity is how often tokens are unlocked.
    • If the tokens are constantly unlocking, select “block”
    • If the tokens unlock e.g., once per month then add “month” as the unlock granularity


Linear, 4-year, daily vesting

StakeholderTeam & advisors
Start date18.09.2020
End date18.09.2024
Unlock granularityday

Airdrop (token unlocks instantly)

Start date16.9.2020
End date16.9.2020
Unlock granularityblock

1-year cliff / lock-up period

Start date18.09.2022
End date18.09.2026
Unlock granularitymonth

Business model

In this section, we ask you to describe how assets flow through your project – from users to different stakeholders.

Business model

In the textbox, please explain as thoroughly as possible how your project works from a business point of view. Who provides services, who pays for that service, how the payments are split between stakeholders, etc.


"Liquidity providers deposit funds into Uniswap and receive trading fees from traders (supply-side fees). Uniswap does not currently take a cut of the trading fees."


Please provide an explanation of all your different stakeholders and what their roles are.

Examples of different stakeholders include:

  • Liquidity providers
  • Traders
  • Tokenholders
  • Lenders
  • Borrowers
  • Creators
  • Stakers
  • etc.

Include information for all stakeholders, one at a time. Remember to click “add” once you have added the information for one, so you can submit another.

Contracts and Metrics

Add relevant smart contracts

Add all your (relevant) smart contracts one by one. Click “Save to library” after each individual contract.

It is important that you add all relevant contracts, as you will need to map them to the metrics visible on Token Terminal.

Is factory

If the contract you are adding is a factory contract, toggle the “is factory” switch. This will enable you to add all the factory-created contracts in one go.

Select the event in the factory contract that creates other contracts, and which parameter is the newly created contract address.

To fetch the contract information, we need one factory-created contract.

  • For example, in Uniswap’s case, this could be any pair contract and the contract name would be Pair.
  • Notice that you should not name the pair e.g., USDC/ETH, but rather just “Pair”, as this name will be the same for all factory-created contracts.
Factory contract address0x5c69bee701ef814a2b6a3edd4b1652cb9cc5aa6f
Contract nameUniswapFactory
Protocol versionv2
Contract creation eventPariCreated
Contract creation parameterpair
Name of factory created contractPair
Contract address (EXAMPLE)0xB4e16d0168e52d35CaCD2c6185b44281Ec28C9Dc

Click “Save to library” to add a contract to the smart contract library. If you need to edit the contract, simply click edit.

Is proxy

If the contract you are adding is a proxy contract, toggle the “is proxy” switch.

This will enable you to add the implementation contract; i.e. the contract that has all the business logic.

Contract address0x442af784a788a5bd6f42a01ebe9f287a871243fb
Contract nameLidoOracle
Protocol versionv1
Implementation address0x1430194905301504e8830ce4B0b0df7187E84AbD
Implementation nameLidoOracle

Click “Save to library” to add a contract to the smart contract library. If you need to edit the contract, simply click edit.



Start by adding the governance token contract.

Max supply: if it is hard coded (e.g., 1B tokens) toggle “Max supply is hardcoded”. Then insert the amount. If the max supply is something else, e.g., mints and burns, then toggle “Other” and explain.

Total supply: if the total supply can be calculated through mints and burns, toggle that. Otherwise, toggle “Other” and explain.

Circulating supply: we calculate circulating supply as the total supply minus any tokens that are held by the team, the project treasury, investor's wallets, etc. So please add any addresses that hold tokens that should be excluded from the circulating supply.

Most key metrics

Select the relevant contracts for every metric from the smart contract library. Choose which event/function call should be used, and which parameter.

We prefer events and function calls over read calls, so please try using them.

Notice that you can include contracts without specifying the events.

Use the “Notes” section to provide us with information on how the metric should be calculated.

Example note:

"Take parameter A from event X times parameter B from event Y to get the Fees."

Token incentives

If you incentivize users by minting new tokens, please toggle “Token incentives include newly minted tokens”.

You can also add any reward contracts and their Claim events. Please note that we solely calculate claimed incentives, not incentives “available for claiming”.

Add any notes or descriptions to the “Notes” section.


Once you have filled in all the relevant information for your project, please read and acknowledge our collaboration and support terms and data accuracy declaration.

Note that the successful listing and ongoing maintenance of a project’s dashboard require a collaborative effort between Your team and Token Terminal.

Finally, click submit. Our team will start working on your listing and reach out to you via the submitted contact information. Thank you!