General FAQs

What does Token Terminal do?

Token Terminal is a platform that aggregates financial and alternative data on blockchains and decentralized applications that run on blockchains. We measure and evaluate the performance of blockchains and decentralized applications using traditional financial key performance indicators.

Where does Token Terminal get data from?

We run our own blockchain infrastructure for 10+ blockchains. Our research team then transforms the raw data to standardised project specific metrics. For some metrics we also rely on 3rd party APIs. The data source for each metric can be found on all dashboards.

How often do you add new projects to the site?

We add new projects on a weekly basis. All the latest projects can be found in the search bar by clicking on the "New projects" button.

How can I add my project's data to Token Terminal?

Submit the listing form to kickstart the process. Please note that due to resource constraints, we're likely to prioritize submissions with complete smart contract descriptions.

How can I schedule a demo of the platform?

Send an email to and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

What payment methods do you support?

We support credit card payments (Visa, MasterCard & American Express) and wire transfers.

How do I get the invoice for my subscription?

Please email us at

Is there a discounted pricing option for students to access Token Terminal?

Yes, email us at using your official student email, and we'll set up a student account for you.